Radio Free Brooklyn

What Brooklyn Sounds Like

Radio Free Brooklyn is a nonprofit community organization whose mission is to empower Brooklyn’s underserved local communities by providing active learning in media practices, and to amplify their voices through a global Internet radio platform.

Radio Free Brooklyn

Franklin Mount

Franklin Mount is a native of New York City. And a native New Yorker whose family comes from the American South, and who took him back down South at the tender age of 4 and a half. After that, to Southern California. All the while, Franklin was plotting his return to New York. At age nine, Franklin’s father took him to see the movie "2001," and since the moment when Franklin heard the film open with the first chords of Also Sprach Zarathustra, the awe-inspiring Sonnenaufgang (Sunrise), he has been obsessed with classical music. Over time, Franklin’s tastes have broadened and deepened, but classical music has remained a constant. Classical music at its best provides an alternate reality, a magical soundscape, which never fails to lift the spirit.

Franklin Mount

Franklin Mount's previous playlists