KEBF - KZSR The Rock Community Radio

Listener Supported Community Radio for the Central Coast

The Rock is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operated and supported by listeners and residents of San Luis Obispo County, California. We connect the Central Coast with hyper-local and engaging community-based FM radio and online programming.

KEBF - KZSR The Rock Community Radio

DJ Foggy Eyes

DJ Foggy Eyes grew up in Pennsylvania and relocated to the Central Coast around the time he joined The Rock. He grew up listening to alternative rock and college radio stations that played music left of the dial. He used to make mixtapes for friends, but when cassettes got harder to find he moved on to CDs and playlists. Every Saturday night from 5-7 PM Sound Burger presents a vintage-style mixtape peppered with a little bit of everything. Expect the unexpected and keep on rockin’!

DJ Foggy Eyes

DJ Foggy Eyes's previous playlists