KMUN Astoria 91.9 FM

Your Voice in the Lower Columbia Pacific Region

Local, independent community radio serving the North Oregon and South Washington Pacific coasts.

KMUN Astoria 91.9 FM

ARTS - Live & Local!

Nov 26, 2021 3:00 PM β€“ 4:00 PM


With Carol

ARTS - Live & Local!
3:23 PM
Cathy Fink - Names
Cathy Fink Names Unknown
Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer UMG - Sugar Hill Records 1993
3:45 PM
Sarah Aroeste - Hanuka
Sarah Aroeste Hanuka
HanukΓ‘! Aroeste Music 2021
3:57 PM
A Little Night Music Ensemble - A Weekend in the Country
A Little Night Music Ensemble A Weekend in the Country Stephen Sondheim
The Sondheim Songbook Masterworks Broadway 1992
3:58 PM
Billy-Joe - Scenic Journey
Billy-Joe Scenic Journey
Scenic Journey Billy-Joe 2020